Thursday, October 18, 2012

Thursday's Thoughts

Well it's Thursday night. Or early Friday morning if you're in Australia.
I should be in bed.
But my besty is away.
And so I find myself pottering.  Maybe wishing I had that chair pictured above to sip hot tea and read a bit more of all the books I've started but never finished! 
Dave's gone away for a two night, three day trip with the ZOE youth this week.
He was very excited before he left... acting quite like an excitable teenager himself (but trapped in an aging body). LOL.  It was very funny.
He was put in charge of the outdoor games... sound like something he'd be in to? Oh yeah!  His been practicing his ideas on us the past few weeks!
And just as the ZOE kids camp program begins to wind up, our three children begin their first term break.  Tobi is finished already and Eli and Spencer have just one more day.  
Eliana working hard at her homework.
Tobi and I are looking forward to being "helpers" in Eliana's classroom tomorrow and staying for Chapel (a highlight of the week).  Spencer is also very much looking forward to taking some birthday cupcakes along to preschool as his birthday is in the break.  
He'll be sharing tomorrow's celebration with Miss Rachael, one of his teachers.
I am currently working on a very cute dinosaur themed party for his fourth birthday (and trying to keep within a budget).  It will be fun to have some more visitors at our new home. and we've also invited the 2 Thai children from our street.
Well, I really should go to bed.
It's been a lovely week so far.  I had both Eliana and Tobi's teacher-parent conferences and I left bursting with happiness.  
As a parent, my children are a joy to me- not because of any achievement or test result they get but for who they are.
I already know how hard they've tried, the areas they've improved in and the challenges they've faced but what was so great was to be a part of these meetings which clearly showed that they are both a part of school communities that care for their needs and are partnering with us to nurture and guide their paths.
And on that note, I will take myself off to bed... alone but secretly hoping I get some little friends come and snuggle in.

Whoop whoop!  One day left.  I can feel school break coming on already!
Am I ready for this?  You betcha!   

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