~How Pornography and Sex Trafficking are LINKED~
If you’ve just joined us, we’re mid way through
a four-part series entitled ‘Our
Actions Count’. It’s for
parents, teachers, care-givers, grandparents and anyone really with them aim of
thrashing out some ideas that will:
1. Help
kids learn to delay gratification.
2. Steer
boys to manhood.
how pornography and sex trafficking are linked.
4. Help
stop human trafficking at the source.
Today we’re looking at Part 3 in this series,
which shows the links between pornography and sex trafficking. You may want to read Part 1 and Part 2 first.
Do you ever wonder
what a day is like for the girl who finds herself with a price over her head,
abandoned by a relative who said they cared?
What's it like for the teenager trapped serving
clients, who has never known what it feels like to {really} be loved and
What's it like to be viewed as nothing but a
commodity? Useful only for the amount of
money you make?
Do you?
These are the cries that ZOE Children’s Home
responds to.
We hear so many testimonies from children who
share how being rescued by ZOE totally transformed their life.
How being loved unconditionally gave them
freedom beyond just the physical sense and how being accepted in to a
family has provided a chance to develop in to the person they were created
to be.
And yet my heart still breaks for the tens of
thousands of children who know no love right now.
The little ones who need a breakthrough... who
need rescuing AND who need us to
keep fighting for the their rights to be loved and cared for…
Just for the record, this topic of pornography
and how it links to sex trafficking is not something that I usually go around
talking about. However, considering it
is such a significant problem in today’s culture and so many people shy away
from speaking about it, I think it needs to be discussed.
We must understand that unless our society’s beliefs,
values and actions towards women undergo a massive change; sex trafficking will
Pornography is a multi-billion dollar industry
and its affect on trafficking urges me a stand up and say, we HAVE to be aware
about what is going on around us…. AND not just that, we have to do something!
“While the statistics can seem overwhelming, it
is important to remember that every number {of people trafficked} represents
the life of a victim”. (A21 Campaign)
I recently read this book called, Porn Nation by
Michael Leahy.
Woah! What an eye-opener.
Michael is the founder of BraveHearts
whose mission is to educate people about sexual addiction and the sexualization
of our culture.
It’s also to inspire those who struggle and give
their loved ones hope to be able to seek help. The author Michael is a recovering sex addict
who was exposed to porn as a child by some school-yard bullies.
I finished the book literally shell-shocked and
wondering, “How on earth do I protect my
boys from this?”
But the truth is, it’ll be hard for them to
We live in a world drenched with images that
sexualize girls and women. And where (despite parent’s best efforts) it is not always
possible to control what kids view through print, the media, computers, magazines,
books and movies.
Media, such as magazine ads, TV, video games,
and music videos can leave lasting effects on children.
read that on average children aged 13 to 18 spend more than 72 hours a week
using electronic media—
as the Internet, mobile phones,
music and video games.
But more disturbingly I saw a statistic that
said over 75% of parents actually have
no clue what their kids do online. (xxxchurch.com)
To those who say pornography is victimless, I
would wholeheartedly disagree.
Pornography reduces women and even children to
mere sex objects and has the power to destroy individuals, families and
It is so
Adult pornography creates a trap that is
difficult to escape. It entices viewers to consume more and more smut and to
delve deeper and deeper into more graphic and obscene material. (J. Matt Barber)
is so easy!
Being accessible,
affordable, and anonymous makes Internet pornography especially destructive.
And it’s never too hard to find sites either;
spam emails find ways of luring Internet uses to porn sites all the time!
I didn’t know this, but there are more than 260 million pages of pornographic
content on the Internet.
what’s the link with sex trafficking?
Laura Lederer, former Senior Advisor on
Trafficking in Persons for the U.S. State Department, thinks there is a vital connection between
pornography and sex trafficking.
She says, “Pornography is a brilliant social
marketing campaign for commercial sexual exploitation”. But goes on to clarify, “Not all, or even
most, pornography is created by traffickers. But a key ingredient to commercial
sex is the belief that people (women especially) are sexual commodities, and
Internet pornography is the ideal
vehicle to teach and train this belief”.
Noel Bouche, Vice President of pureHOPE says, “It
drives people to the place where they become comfortable with commercial sex”.
Not saying that all porn consumers endorse human
trafficking, but Noel suggests that by their actions, they do silently endorse
the objectification of women.
“Pornography promotes rights violations not only
of the female partners, friends, acquaintances, and relatives of the men who
consume pornography, but also of the women who participate in its production.
This is because the acts caught on film in much pornography are allegedly
coerced through intimidation and money: sex forced on real women so that it can
be sold at a profit to be forced on other real women”. (Catharine MacKinnon)
Early exposure.
Most guys who get addicted to porn start early. They see the stuff when they
are very young, and it gets its foot in the door.
Later comes addiction. You keep coming back to porn. It becomes a regular part
of your life. You're hooked. You can't quit.
After a while, escalation begins. You start to look for more and more graphic
porn. You start using porn that would have disgusted you when you started. Now
it excites you.
Eventually, you start to become numb. Even the most graphic, degrading porn
doesn't excite you anymore. You become desperate to feel the same thrill again
but can't find it.
• Acting
out sexually. At this point, many men make a dangerous jump
and start acting out sexually. They move from the paper and plastic images of
porn to the real world…
I’ve also heard it said that when travelling overseas,
in a foreign or exotic country, some tourists feel more of a sense of freedom
and anonymity that seems to make being sexually irresponsible somehow okay.
Call to Action!
In the final part of this series, I’ll look at
some ways we can help to stop human trafficking at the source.
Please check back soon for the fourth and final
post in this series.