Our dear friends
We look in amazement as we see God continually going before us.
Our children have settled in to our ‘temporary’ accommodation.
Dave’s parents have been more than gracious with us as we seem to have taken over their home!
Our fridge sold, Jake our turtle is in a great new home, our garage sale was really successful and a few items have been sold on ebay too.
With another children’s market this weekend, we expect that another lot of items will be gone!
We started this website that we will use when we are away to communicate what we are up to .
We had our first medical consultation last week to discuss all of the necessary vaccines required. God has really blessed us with this beautiful friend who is a doctor. She is so capable and thorough. Her care and research in to what we need to do before we go just blows us away.
It also looks likely that David will be taking with him some great leadership training resources that he will be able to use in the Thai business school (that is currently running at the children’s home). We are very thankful for this amazing offer!!
We have also had the provision of more funds come through to us and we are learning (very slowly) not to feel so incredibly awkward as God uses people to help fund this journey.
We have had a few hurdles to clear in the past weeks...
When we went to ship our boxes to Thailand, we were told we needed our visas completed. In order to get visas we needed a letter from ZOE and in order to get this letter we needed everyone's passport numbers so.... we took a step back and have now just had the children's passports approved and await their arrival. We can then apply for visas and THEN ship our boxes!
Our little Spencer has been rather unwell with an ear (and possibly chest) infection. The doctor was concerned that he may need to be admitted to hospital if he continued not keeping fluids down. He's such a happy one normally but he has been really struggling this week. We are confident he will bounce back quickly though.
We are so grateful for Dave's parents who have helped with the kindergarten drop-offs and pickups as well as taking Eliana to her swimming etc. Spencer celebrates his first birthday later this month.
Amongst the continual obstacles that we seem to have to plough through, we know God's hand is on us and that He will continue to be faithful in all He's said He'll do.
What I have said, that I will bring about. What I have planned, that I will do.
Isaiah 46
With all our love and appreciation for your support,
David and Andrea (Tobiah, Eliana and Spencer)