What a wonderful weekend!
I hope that you had one too.We celebrated Thanksgiving on Saturday with the other ZOE missionary families and had a really fun day.
After church today we enjoyed the only benefit of having a plastic Christmas tree {yes, still grieving} and that is being able to spontaneously decide to get it out and decorate it without any prior planning!
So I've been thinking today about a song we sang in church today, a hymn which I'd never heard before (not unusual) called 'Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing'.
Well, when it got to verse 2, and the words were "Here I raise mine Ebenezer; hither by thy help I’m come..." I felt a little bit confused. What on earth was it talking about?
I was so glad when the visiting speaker volunteered the information during his sermon and his explanation, combined with me doing some further reading when I got home, had me pondering this really interesting word.
You can read more about it yourself in 1 Samuel 7:12-14 but the word "Ebenezer" comes from Hebrew which literally means a "Stone of Help."
I was so glad when the visiting speaker volunteered the information during his sermon and his explanation, combined with me doing some further reading when I got home, had me pondering this really interesting word.
You can read more about it yourself in 1 Samuel 7:12-14 but the word "Ebenezer" comes from Hebrew which literally means a "Stone of Help."
Samuel publicly dedicated the stone as a monument to God's help and faithfulness. And as the people got on with their lives, the stone stood there, visible to all who passed that way, a reminder of judgment and repentance, mercy and restoration.
"Ebenezers" might be something like a cross, a picture, a prayer journal or a song. Things which serve to remind us of God’s love, presence and assistance.
This Thanksgiving I want to give thanks to God for the wonderful "Ebenezers" that God has given me in my life. I want to continue to share these with my children so that they too will grow up knowing just how much God cares for them too.
I'm looking forward to my kids being strong enough readers to be able to go back through this blog and relive all the answers to prayers and 'help' God has given our family.
I know when I get moments to read back through, I am reminded of God's faithfulness, provision and promises every time.
Have a great week,
Andie :)
Samuel was a wise and godly man with a good idea. He recognized something that's true about human nature—we're forgetful. At Ebenezer, Israel could stand next to that big old rock and remind themselves, "Yes, we serve a living and faithful God, whose mercies are everlasting." Charles Lehardy
What "Ebenezers" do you have in place to remind you of God's help and faithfulness? Have you come through a difficulty recently that has you standing in a place right now where you finally feel hopeful again?
Hey! Now you're really thinking like your old man! 'Marker Stones' is what I call them, just like when the Israelities crossed the Red Sea or the Jordan (not sure which event ...) they placed marker stones to commemorate the miraculous occasion and for the generations to come. I really like your new (ancient) term though.
That's also why you will see me looking for a small pebble to collect as a reminder of places visited or special occasions.
Love your work Andrea ... Love you more!
I thought you'd enjoy this one Dad. I was thinking of you as I wrote it!!! Love you too x
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