Wednesday, May 18, 2011


Diary of a Saturday morning, not so long ago.

6.30 AM  Wake-up to the sound of our three children asking excitedly if we can go and get ‘mu-ping’ (pork skewers) and sticky rice for breakfast ... of course we can!



7.30 AM Stop by the side of the road and pick up breakfast. YUM!

8.30 AM Family time!  Off to ride bikes and feed animals for the morning.

9.30 AM First stop- the deer.

Spencer is VERY generous!  Reminds me a bit of the goodie bags!!  LOL

10 AM  Feeding camels!
Sometimes I stop myself and wonder when and how did this start feeling “normal”.

10.30 AM  This ostrich was a little bit feisty.
Quick Eliana... let’s feed it and go!

11 AM  Time to take a short rest beside this man-made waterfall before riding back.

12 PM Arrive back at the car.

12.30 PM Begin driving home.  
It’s suddenly very quiet.  
You know it’s been a good morning when 
everyone falls asleep!!

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