There have been some highlights for our family this week in the form of a few little reminders of home.
Firstly on Tuesday, Dave and I went in to ZOE to complete the final “sports” session in the Around the World camp. This week, camp was focused on none other than AUSTRALIA! Yay. We were very excited to have this opportunity to share a bit of Aussie goodness!
As we arrived the kids, who had all been learning about Australian greetings that morning, shouted “G’day mate… Where are ya?” instead of “How are ya?” ha ha, too funny.
Given that Dave picked the sport for Tuesday’s session, what do you think he chose? AFL football, of course!
He even had me wear my Bombers jumper in the heat!
Dave started by explaining the basic rules of the game and drew a diagram depicting the size of the footy field etc.
We then headed to the undercover dining area for some hand-balling practice, bouncing drills and some very funny races. Of course the kids loved seeing the leaders race against each other! And the teenage boys took on Dave in a footy bouncing race. Even with a broken toe, Dave came out victorious and the kids learned that controlling the Aussie football is not as easy as it looks!
After that we ventured across to the grass area and the kids were most eager to finally have a go kicking the odd shaped ball and enjoyed this activity for quite some time.
This afternoon as I left to pick up our children, I was surprised to see Cissy, one of the other missionaries, standing at our door. Cissy has had the job of teaching the ZOE kids how to cook various foods from around the world. In her past life (before ZOE) she had a background in the catering industry so what a wonderful sight it was to see, as she stood there holding a container full of freshly made lamingtons!
Unfortunately I didn’t get to take a photo of our family digging in to these but they were honestly soooooo good and I might add, all gone in a matter of seconds!!
We are definitely the minority amongst the American missionaries here, so it was a treat to have a few moments where we could almost taste home…
PS Only 70 days to go! Whoa!
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